PD Diversity Evaluation and Advice: Entry-Level Hiring
Revitalize your diversity initiative
What is it?
- Department specific suggestions for increasing diversity in hiring while maintaining or improving PO qualifications.
How does it work?
- You answer a questionnaire about your current hiring system and diversity goals.
- We ask follow up questions about your current hiring system.
- We provide an evaluation of the current level of attainment of your diversity goals.
- We provide suggestions for improving diversity while maintaining PO job performance.
- We talk with you before providing a written report.
What does it cost?
- Smaller departments (1 to 99 sworn): $5,000
- Medium departments (100-499 sworn): $10,000
- Large departments (251+ sworn): $15,000
- On-Site Visits: $3,500 flat fee for each visit (No visits required.)
How to get more information or order this service?
- Contact Applied Personnel Research by telephone, email, or contact page message.